Sugarhouse Studios
19 Collett Road
SE16 4DJ
Open by appointment
0207 237 0000
Sugarhouse Studios is a creative workspace in Bermondsey, South London conceived and run by Assemble, formerly based on Stratford High Street. Sugarhouse is located on the former site of a school, which is due to be demolished to make way for a large, developer-led housing scheme. In the interim, Assemble’s aim is to provide space for artists, designers and fabricators around a core of common facilities – including a wood workshop run by Workshop East – that enable and support co-working and collaboration.
Sugarhouse is occasionally open to the public via events, workshops and classes hosted by studio tenants.
We don't currently have any space available, but please get in touch to register interest.
For more information about the project, please click here.
The wood workshop at Sugarhouse, set-up and run by Workshop East
Photography © Charlotte Swinburn
Sugarhouse Studios Tenants
ASSEMBLE, Andrew Friend, Andrew Tomlin, Archive for Rural Contemporary Architecture, Bramble and Mr Twigg, Collective Matter, Daniel Kisiel, DDR Records, Emma Leslie, Eva Masterman, Hayatsu Architects, Hannah Thual, Katie Spragg, Kieran Jones, JackJames Furniture, JAMPS, Jason Sarris, Joel Chan, Juan Montero, Junk Son, Lab-083, Laurence Symonds, Mauro Dell'Orco, Marianne Keating, Marie Jacotey, Matt White Studio, New School of Furniture Making, Rob Szeliga, Ross From Friends, Rhythm Section, Sarah Howe, Sitraka Rakotoniaina, Studio Manolo Ltd, Sugarhouse Records, Steve John Cook, Stinsensqueeze, Ying Chang, William Floyd-Maclean, Workshop East